Move Over


I’m still tweaking it, but I finally got the dot-com operational.


Long time, huh? I’ve been trying to focus on my new passion which is makeup artistry. So I created a new blog specifically for all things beauty. Once I figure out how to migrate my content, I’ll have my own site. Until then, please follow me at QuietStormBeauty.

National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day!

If you all have been visiting blogs or on twitter for a while, then you probably know Luvvie. When she’s not bringing ignificance to the masses, she devotes her time to the Red Pump Project now in it’s second year. The project serves to bring awareness of the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls. Well today is National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and I’d like everyone to read below for a message from the project’s organizers.

It’s National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day!

Today is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD) and we’re proudly and fiercely Rocking the Red Pump with over 1,200 bloggers from around the country (and the world). Created by the Office of Women’s Health, NWGHAAD is recognized on March 10th of every year with the goal is of bringing women together to encourage dialogue and educate women and girls about the increasing impact of HIV/AIDS epidemic on our lives.

Every 35 minutes, a woman tests positive for HIV in the United States. Though much progress has been made in the areas of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, women still represent 27 percent of all new AIDS diagnoses, with African-American women making up an overwhelming 66 percent of that number. In 2006, teen girls represented 39% of AIDS cases reported among 13–19 year-olds. Black teens represented 69% of cases reported among 13–19 year-olds; Latino teens represented 19%. These startling statistics are the driving force behind Red Pump’s message.

Fifty days ago, we launched our 3rd Annual “Rock the Red Pump” campaign with the goal of getting 500 blogs involved. Today, we’re ecstatic to be standing over  1,200 blogs strong, all uniting to represent the courage of all the women and girls who are infected and affected with HIV/AIDS.

In addition to commemorating NWGHAAD today, we are also recognizing the 2nd Anniversary of The Red Pump Project. What started as a small idea has blossomed into a movement that has grown beyond any of our expectations. We’d like to thank all the bloggers who are “Rocking the Red Pump” on their websites today and are using their voice and influence to shine a light on this issue. We’d also like to thank the women everywhere who are rocking their favorite pair of red pumps (or flats) today. We created a video thank you all! Visit HERE to watch it!

To commemorate the day, we’re having official Red Pump events around the country. Please read more about them on our events page. We will be hosting a Twitter Townhall from 1:30-3:00pm CST. Please join us as we ask people to talk about why they find it important to recognize NWGHAAD. Follow us on Twitter (@RedPumpProj). Today, we will be tracking the use of the hashtags #RocktheRedPump and #NWGHAAD on our website.

As you honor NWGHAAD, we ask that you take the time to ask a friend and/or family member when is the last time that they’ve been tested. Knowing your status is such an important step in the fight against HIV/AIDS. For a list of HIV testing sites, you can visit

Thank you again for all of support of The Red Pump Project and, more importantly, your commitment to the fight against AIDS. We’re all making a difference one red pump (or flat) at a time. And we’ll continue to do work that shows that “Awareness is Always in Style!™”

Luvvie & Karyn
The Red Pump Project Co-Founders

P.S. We’re really looking forward to seeing the red pumps (or flats) you’re all wearing today! Please upload pics to our Facebook Fan page or submit them to our Tumblr!

Painting with a Purpose

Have you guys ever heard of Painting with a Twist?  Here’s an excerpt from their website:

“Join us for an evening of creativity and camaraderie. We’ll provide your paint, canvas and brushes and you’ll have a fun evening with friends. Plus, at the end of the evening, you’ll have a one-of-a-kind creation and, hopefully, a newfound talent you’ll want to explore! This is not your average art class, this is art entertainment.”

There are different paintings done throughout the month and if you have a private event, you can choose which piece of art your guests will re-create. Add in food and adult beverages and this makes for a great experience!

I participated in one such event this past weekend raising funds for Cass CommunitySocial Services, a non-profit in the Detroit area and had a blast! Once I got over trying to get everything just like the example painting and had a few sips of wine, I was rocking and rollin’. There’s nothing like a group of liquored up women trying to paint to brighten up your Sunday afternoon! (Just kidding….kinda).  I know they have locations in a few states, so if it’s in yours, let your inner arteest shine and have some fun!

Getting ready to start

Focused, Man!

Background done

My Masterpiece!

Aren't they lovely?


Does anyone know how to fix the flash so that it’s not so bright? It’s washing out all my makeup pictures.


I dove right in to my secret santa present.

I used a dark grey on the lid and a bluish-silver in the inner corner.

Next year is my 20th (!!!) high school reunion so there was a holiday party/reunion update last night.  It’s so interesting to see people you haven’t been in touch with for years. Some looked exactly the same and a few looked almost unrecognizable. I think I’m somewhere in between.

Sally Jesse anyone?

It’s even more interesting (and a little disturbing) to see that some still have the same grudges and attitudes from high school. Hello? It’s twenty years later! Woosah and let it go already.

Lastly, now that I can fit hats (lol) I can see me quickly becoming a hat person. My newest acquisition:

I'm feelin' it, I'm feelin' it

Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and prosperous New Year!


That was my exclamation when I saw what my Secret Santa got me for Christmas! Ahh, makeup. How I adore thee.

Eyeshadow palettes and shadows

I have to admit, I was getting a little nervous cause I knew Pserendipity was revealing the secret today and I hadn’t received my gift. But when I got home, I saw the package from Mrs. Claus and was instantly excited!

Everything all laid out. Nice!

Can you believe it? 24 eyeshadows from Coastal Scents. I can’t wait to play!

This week has been grand so far! First getting chosen as an intern for the fabulous Crystal Wright and now receiving these shadows to help me even further along the path of freelance makeup artistry.

Thanks Therapeutic Musings!!!

Thank You!


I’m becoming one of those people who brushes their hair Sigh. But I want to get these waves poppin.

Mailed my secret Santa gift off today. A day late, but they should get it before Pserendipity’s reveal. Wasn’t able to get everything I wanted, but hopefully they still enjoy it.

My vacation started this week (yay!). It’s been soo cold though that I haven’t wanted to leave the house (boo!). Winter is the pits.

I love sitting on the couch staring at my Christmas tree. Doing that right now. Ahh…

Thinking about starting another blog dedicated to all things makeup and skincare. Want to make sure I keep practicing and developing my skills and since I take tons of pictures anyway, I may as well post them. Should be up and running before the new year.

Saying Goodbye

This is what most of you who "know" me see. 2 years old.

Tomorrow I’ll be cutting my locs in preparation for my visit to the barber Saturday morning. It’s been 7 years and 4 months since I began this journey, but it’s time for a new beginning. I still remember my coworkers’ suggestion that I still had time to take them out and get a press! It’s funny that once my hair started getting long, they were suddenly in love with them.

2009. At school playing with makeup.

Thankfully, I don’t put much stock in anyone’s opinion about hair. That’s always been one area in which I’ve been confident and adventurous. The locing process with all its “in between” stages kinda forces you to “be where you are” so to speak. Between being obviously natural and having a style that is still a mystery to many (why yes, I do wash my hair) it takes a certain amount of self-awarenes, patience and perhaps craziness to rock locs.

This past July. I just like this pic. Heading out to an "after the reception" party.

Anyway, I’d gotten to the point where I see the glances and in some cases, stares, but I don’t “see” them anymore. Good thing because now I’m going to be damn near bald but I’ve always wanted to try it and I can’t wait! So, it’s been real hair! Looking forward to the next stage of this hair journey.

Who’s That Chick?

*Cough, cough* Clears away dust and cobwebs….

Last year this time, I watched in fascination as some of my favorite bloggers participated in PSerendipity’s Secret Santa project. It looked like so much fun that I decided to join in this time around.  I’m more of a frequent commenter than blogger (as you can tell from the date of my last post), so I’m taking a note from TravelDiva and providing a glimpse into the world of Mellow to help out my Secret Santa.

  • I’m a recently licensed (a)esthetician. Meaning I love all things makeup and skincare related.
  • Speaking of skincare, did you know that it’s soo cold in the D? I’m used to my skin taking a minute to adjust to the change in season, but this year my arms and legs almost staged a mutiny. I’m talking full scale dryness and flaking. Laughing in the face of lotion! This prompted me to put on my mad scientist coat and create my own moisturizer. I ordered shea and cocoa butters online along with a couple fragrance oils, gathered all the oils I normally use for my hair (coconut, almond, olive) and got to experimenting. The result is a lovely concoction that I use everyday and I love it! I smell like lemon cake right now. Can’t stop sniffing myself. Makes me wonder what else I can create. Muah hahaha!
  • One of my favorite aspects of fall/winter – warm beverages, lol. Homeade ginger tea, peppermint mochas, witches brew, spiked apple cider…yum! I’m drinking pumpkin spice flavored coffee as I type this.
  • I’ve had locs for just over 7 years, but by Christmas, I’ll have a newly shorn head.  I realize winter may not be the best time to cut off all my wind protection, but it’s been in my spirit for a minute so I’m going for it. (Hat, scarf, gloves perhaps?)
  • I’m an accessories girl. One of my new playgrounds for cute, fun (read: cheap) costume jewelry is For Love 21. There’s one in the mall out here and it’s accessories as far as the eye can see.  Just a fun way to brighten up my everyday outfits.

My first hooka experience. An example of maximum accessorizing! Jacket was also bedazzled on the back.

Well, hopefully that gives a little perspective on me. I look forward to whatever my secret santa comes up with and I’m excited about doing the same for my blogger!